Thursday, February 14, 2008

I am considering making another post... not so much considering since I am continuing on. My first one was 3 weeks ago. I thought it would be at least a month between each post so I am doing pretty good! I don't even know what I am going to write. Maybe I will give a little tidbit of the things that I have done/learned in the last 3 weeks. And if you actually read my posts (wow!) I hope you like lists. I feel like I write better in list format. Here I go!

1. My friends that I am in the classroom with right now want me to note that I just cussed in the classroom. My apologies. Is it wrong to think it was kinda funny? (Well, if your answer is no, I blame them for laughing!)

2. The best day of Institute 2008 so far was the snow day! Nothing better than chocolate chip pancakes, snow cream, football/flag football in the snow, sledding, and Denny's until 2:30 am all with some pretty amazing people.

3. I am officially "in" with K-Kountry! Yay! I have a camp! I am excited. (If you are reading this and you work at K-7 and you are resenting me right now... well, just know that I love you).

4. Today is Valentine's Day and I wore a pink shirt with hearts on it. I wasn't sure about being so festive for V-Day, but it got a lot of compliments so I felt okay about it! I ate a lot of sweets and also learned from Bernard (aside from Romans "stuff") that I need to not be so afraid of rejection. I was really asking something about being friends with boys and that was the result. So I guess I'll work on that. (Too vulnerable? I will stop there, promise!)

5. You are great!

End of post #2

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